GROUP SHOW / Poush at Château La Coste

April 12 - June 9 2025

Showcasing the works of 37 artists from Poush, curated by Yvannoé Kruger & Margaux Knight.

AWARD / Laureate of the 2024 Art & Environment Prize
Lee Ufan Arles X Guerlain

Honored to have been awarded the 2024 Art & Environment Prize !

I will be in residence at Lee Ufan Arles during winter 2025, followed by a show at the foundation during summer 2025.

October / November

Wind, wind, wind, wind, wind

PRESS / L’influx

A l'occasion de la venue de l'artiste contemporaine Caroline Corbasson le 28 novembre à 18h30 à la bibliothèque de la Part-Dieu, portrait de cette artiste en 5 œuvres qui l'influencent, qu'elle porte dans son cœur.

GROUP SHOW / A brief escape

Jean-Philippe Delhomme, Caroline Corbasson, Matisse Mesnil, Julien Carreyn, Laure Tiberghien, Nan Goldin

Group show at Le dix-sept,

Opening november 14, 6pm - 9 pm

17 rue Brochant 75017 Paris

FAIR /Paris Photo 2024

Nov 7 - 10

Solo show


With the support of the Cnap (Centre national des arts plastiques)

Grand Palais
75008 Paris

SCREENING / Part-Dieu Library

Atacama (2017) and Isaac (2023), followed by a discussion

November 28, 2024 at 6:30 PM
Le mois du doc — 25th edition

Isaac (2023) – 16’ 17’’
Atacama (2017) – 19’ 30’’

GROUP SHOW / Perspectives

Du 10 septembre au 5 octobre 2024
Dilecta – Galerie

49 rue Notre Dame de Nazareth
75003 Paris

Avec Caroline Corbasson, Alice Gauthier, Mathilde Lestiboudois et Valérie Sonnier.

photo © Nicolas Brasseur / Courtesy Dilecta

PUBLICATION / Catalogue Van Gogh et les Étoiles

Éditions Fondation Vincent van Gogh Arles

Le catalogue d’exposition propose la reproduction de l’ensemble des œuvres exposées ainsi qu’un appareil critique de qualité – avec notamment des notices d’œuvres, une courte anthologie de textes, une chronologie et un index – permettant de prendre la mesure de l’érudition de Van Gogh, du développement de la pensée scienti-fique de l’époque et de son impact sur la littérature.

Des textes inédits de Jean de Loisy (co-commissaire de l’exposition et critique d’art), d’Elsa Courant (chercheuse au CNRS spécialisée sur la poésie et l’histoire littéraire au XIXe siècle, en lien avec l’histoire des sciences), Constantin Nakov (commissaire d’exposition) et Gottfried Boehm (philosophe et historien de l’art) approfondissent et diversifient les pistes suivies dans l’exposition.

Auteur·ices : Gottfried Boehm, Margaux Bonopera, Elsa Courant, Bice Curiger, Flora Fettah, Jean de Loisy, Constantin Nakov, Maurine Roy et Elsa Vettier

Descriptif : 22 × 28 cm, 240 p., 200 ill.

Édition Française (édition anglaise à paraître mi-juillet)

Éditions Fondation Vincent van Gogh Arles

GROUP SHOW / Van Gogh et les Étoiles

Du 1 juin au 8 septembre 2024
Fondation Vincent van Gogh Arles

35 ter, rue du Docteur-Fanton
13200 Arles

Imaginée par Jean de Loisy et Bice Curiger, l’exposition « Van Gogh et les Étoiles » mettra en lumière le travail d’érudition et de recherche effectué par Vincent van Gogh tout au long de sa vie, poussé par sa vision intérieure, ses tourments, son sens aigu de l’observation, mais aussi par son environnement. Le climat littéraire et scientifique singulier qui se développe dans la deuxième moitié du XIXe siècle sera ainsi présenté au public, à travers notamment l’exposition des recherches qui passionnèrent l’époque, ainsi que le travail des grands illustrateurs scientifiques comme Étienne Léopold Trouvelot ou Lord Rosse.

Avec :

Juliette Agnel – Jean-Michel Alberola – Dove Allouche – Jean-Marie Appriou – Giacomo Balla – Anna-Eva Bergman – Lee Bontecou – Frédéric Bruly Bouabré – Antoine Bourdelle – Charbel-joseph H. Boutros – Victor Brauner – Carlo Carrà – Frédéric-Auguste Cazals – Maurice Chabas – Jean Chacornac – Konstantinas Čiurlionis – Caroline Corbasson – Camille Corot – Lucien Clergue – Tony Cragg– Gustave Doré – James Ensor – Félicie d’Estienne d’Orves – Hippolyte Fizeau et Léon Foucault – Camille Flammarion – Robert Fludd – Lucio Fontana – Helen Frankenthaler – Gloria Friedmann – Augusto Giacometti – Jean-Jacques Grandville – Wenzel Hablik – Victor Hugo – Louise Janin – Eugène Jansson – Akseli Gallen-Kallela – Vassily Kandinsky – Anish Kapoor – Anselm Kiefer – Paul Klee – Yves Klein – Ivan Klioune – František Kupka – Alicja Kwade – Bertrand Lavier – Kasimir Malevitch – Arturo Martini – Charles Marville – Jean-François Millet – Adolphe Monticelli – Mariko Mori – Edvard Munch – Georgia O’Keeffe – Meret Oppenheim – Paul Dominique Philippoteaux – Lioubov Popova – Enrico Prampolini – Odilon Redon – Evariste Richer – Lord Rosse – Raymond Roussel – Lucien Rudaux – Alexandre Séon – Smith – Léon Spilliaert – August Strindberg – Bruno Taut – Daniel Tremblay – Étienne Léopold Trouvelot – Frederic Watts

& Vincent van Gogh

GROUP SHOW / Future is now

Du 15 juin au 5 octobre 2024
Centre d'art contemporain du Parvis

Centre commercial Le Méridien -
1er étage, route de Pau
65420 Ibos

De l’empirisme des débuts et des espaces dits « d’expositions » ou « d’arts plastiques », mais pas encore appelés « contemporains ». Des accrochages « amateurs » sur cimaises brinquebalantes à la naissance des grands mouvements artistiques contemporains. De la décentralisation des lois Lang jusqu’à la prise en compte par les artistes des enjeux politiques et sociétaux. De la liberté qui fut laissée aux créateurs ainsi qu’à un écosystème de l’art balbutiant. Du rejet de la peinture à la promotion de l’art vidéo et du numérique. Aux années qui se recentrèrent sur l’expérience humaine à l’ère pourtant de la dématérialisation et du post-internet. Aux artistes et aux marchés super médiatisés puis au retour à un art conscient de l’autre humain ou non. Et, pour finir, à cette lame de fond que sont les questions de genres et les problématiques écologiques dans la création actuelle. Voilà autant de sujets abordés ou évoqués dans cette exposition des 50 ans, à travers les archives du lieu et les œuvres récentes des artistes invités qui y ont exposé de 1974 à 2024.

Avec les œuvres de :

Martine Aballéa . Saâdane Afif . Atelier Van Lieshout . Nils Alix-Tabeling . John M. Armleder . Virginie Barré . Berdaguer & Péjus . Michel Blazy . Bianca Bondi . Céleste Boursier-Mougenot . Xavier Boussiron . Ulla von Brandenburg . Nina Childress . Claude Closky . Delphine Coindet . Caroline Corbasson . Alain Declercq . Damien Deroubaix . Erik Dietman . Mounir Fatmi . Daniel Firman . Dora Garcia . Marco Godinho . Laurent Grasso . Josep Grau-Garriga . Joël Hubaut . Fabrice Hyber . Pierre Joseph . Kapawani Kiwanga . Arnaud Labelle-Rojoux . Bertrand Lavier . Ange Leccia . Jacques Lizène . Philippe Mayaux . Caroline Mesquita . Tania Mouraud . Philippe Quesne . Philippe Ramette . Lionel Sabatté . Bruno Schmeltz . Franck Scurti . Alain Séchas . Djamel Tatah . Barthélémy Toguo . Niek Van de Steeg . Xavier Veilhan . Jean-Luc Verna . Jacques Vieille . Gisèle Vienne . Jerôme Zonder

GROUP SHOW / La nuit, le regard se tourne vers la lune et les étoiles

Du 07 juillet au 22 septembre 2024
Abbaye Saint André – Centre d’art contemporain

Place du Bûcher 19250 Meymac

L’exposition est dédiée au ciel étoilé et à la nuit dans sa relation avec la lumière. Elle illustre, en rassemblant quelques-unes des variations reliant les humains à la lune, aux planètes et aux étoiles, la fascination qu’exercent le ciel nocturne et les configurations stellaires. Certaines oeuvres jouent de l’image tutélaire de la lune, d’autres restituent les formes étranges des univers galactiques, des planètes, les éclipses, les aurores boréales, abordées comme autant de supports à l’imaginaire.

Avec :

Evgenia Arbugaeva, Pierre Ardouvin, Isabelle Arthuis, Renaud Auguste-Dormeuil, Radu Belcin, Frédéric Bellay, Robert Combas, Caroline Corbasson, Eric Corne, Anne Deleporte, Nicolas Descottes, Hugo Deverchère, Lionel Estève, Anne-Charlotte Finel, Nikolas Fouré, Amy Friend, Marina Gadonneix, Delphine Gigoux-Martin, Noémie Goudal, Olivier Grossetête, Nicolai Howalt, Todd Hido, Yoo Hye-Sook, Tom Ireland, Alain Jacquet, Stéphane Lallemand, Guy Limone, Philippe Mayaux, Théo Massoulier, Corinne Mercadier, Julie Meyer, Célia Nkala, Aurore Pallet, Gerald Petit, David Renaud, Alain Séchas, Morten Søndergaard, Lise Stoufflet, Pierre Tatu, Jean-Pierre Temmerman, Grazia Toderi, Vivian van Blerk, Peter Wächtler, Pierre Soulages.

AWARD / Nommée Prix Drawing Now 2024

Du 21 au 24 mars 2024
Le Carreau du Temple

17e édition du Salon du dessin contemporain
Focus présenté par la galerie Dilecta
Secteur Général

SCREENING / Isaac, première au Max Linder Panorama

Mercredi 8 Novembre, 19H

Projection d’Isaac de Caroline Corbasson et d’Elia de Laura Sellies dans le cadre de Mondes Nouveaux, au Max Linder Panorama.
24 Bd Poissonnière, 75009 Paris

GROUP SHOW / Hangar Y: Prendre le Soleil

Exhibition from 16 December 2023 to 21 April 2024
Opening on 13 December
Hangar Y
9 Avenue de Trivaux
92190 Meudon, France


Guillaume Aubry • Mustapha Azeroual • Abdelkader Benchamma • Jean Claracq • Caroline Corbasson • Rapha.l Dallaporta • Tacita Dean • • Rachel Duckhouse • Samuel Fosso • Léon Foucault • Fragmentin • Erwan Frotin • Marina Gadonneix • Noémie Goudal • Laurent Grasso • Jules Janssen • Anne Lindberg • Colectivo Los Ingrad.vos • Thomas Mailaender • Massao Mascaro • Peter Miller • Desire Moheb-Zandi  • Morris • Martin Parr • Joan Rabascall • Sébastien Reuzé • Simon Roberts • Dagoberto Rodriguez • Charles Ross • Camille Sauvageot • SMITH • Stéphanie Solinas • Sun Ra & his Arkestra • Clara de Tezanos • Laure Tiberghien • Étienne Léopold Trouvelot • Penelope Umbrico • Gwenola Wagon

Commissariat : Aurélie Baron, Luce Lebart et Marta Ponsa

GROUP SHOW / Design Sediments

Exhibition from 31 January to 24 March 2024
Huidenclub, Rotterdam
Pelgrimsstraat 5c
3029 BH, Rotterdam

PRESS / Entretien:L’artiste Caroline Corbasson, de Hilma Af Klint à Lana del Rey

Caroline Corbasson, Andrea Montano, Luce Lebart and Area Books present “Heat” at Delpire&co


delpire & co is pleased to welcome Caroline Corbasson and Andrea Montano on Thursday, May 4th for the presentation of their book Heat recently published by Area Books, with the historian of photography Luce Lebart, author of the text of the book.

Corbasson and Montano have worked on a corpus of images from the 50s to the 90s, the result of the work of astrophysicists from the Laboratoire d’Astrophysique de Marseille, themselves long confined in a cupboard…

Meeting and discussion at 7:30 pm

With Caroline Corbasson, Andrea Montano and Luce Lebart, author of the text

Hidden exhibition until June 3

BOOK / Heat - Area Books - Limited edition

Long stored in a cabinet these 50’s-90’s archive images document the work of astrophysicists over many years at the Marseille Astrophysics Laboratory. Some of these shots were remarkable breakthroughs for the time. Mementos of both human and scientific adventures, they are the tangible traces of the historical capabilities of these research centers which designed and produced instruments to observe the universe. These black and white images have gradually lost their function and purpose. They may have been abandoned, but they have still escaped the dreadful outcome of so many unusable documents, they were gifted to the artist Caroline Corbasson who, alongside the photographer Andrea Montano, explored the poetry within.

"Heat" limited editions come with a signed book + a numbered and signed unique print, housed in a hand-made silkscreened blue or black box. 30 copies available.

Order here :


Fondation CAB Saint-Paul de Vence is pleased to present its 5th artist-in-residence : Caroline Corbasson (Saint-Étienne, 1989), a French multidisciplinary artist based in Paris.

GROUP SHOW / Bachelard Contemporain - La Fab.

In the wake of the sixtieth anniversary of his death, the exhibition Bachelard Contemporain pays tribute to the work of this major philosopher by highlighting the considerable influence and multiple echoes that his thought continues to generate in contemporary creation.

A group show featuring Christian Boltanski, Marie-Pierre Bonniol, Isabelle Bonté-Hessed2, Céleste Boursier-Mougenot, Emma Charrin, Caroline Corbasson, Adrien Degioanni, Felicie d’Estienne d’Orves, Sandrine Estrade-Boulet, Yves Klein, Thierry Kuntzel, Ryan McGinley, Olivier Muller, Abraham Poincheval, Gwendoline Robin, Roman Signer, Max Sister, Jean-Mickaël Thomas, Hermione Volt.

Exhibition Curator – Jean-François Sanz

Scientific advice and editorial support – Gilles Hiéronimus

In patnership with l’Association Internationale Gaston Bachelard, La Maison de La Poésie, Philosophie Magazine & France Culture.

SOLO SHOW / Physics

EPFL CDH Artist-in-Residence Program 2021 with the Laboratory for the History of Science and Technology (LHST), Prof. Jérôme Baudry

Shot between EPFL and the University of Lausanne, PHYSICS by Caroline Corbasson is a visual tale in five tableaux, which present a palette of human relationships.

PHYSICS – by Caroline Corbasson
To be seen from 6 to 29 May, 2022
EPFL Pavilions, Pavilion A

GROUP SHOW / Les fusées redescendent-elles sur terre ?

Caroline Corbasson, Esther Denis, Nathan Ghali, Diego Guglieri Don Vito, Zoé Metra, Marion Mounic, Ben Saint-Maxent, Capucine Vever.

Le Point Commun - espace d'art contemporain, Annecy (France)

11 March to 13 May 2023

BOOK / Heat


JANUARY 2023 - HARD COVER - 320 X 240 MM - 500 COPIES

Caroline Corbasson and Andrea Montano based their work using Laboratoire d’Astrophysique de Marseille’ archives from 50’s to 90’s. The book will show their series "Heat" and the archive itself.

A 30 copies limited edition is available. It comes with a book + a numbered and signed print (choice of 3 images) housed in a hand-made debossed box. Pre-order here:

Luce Lebart : "Long buried in a cabinet of the Marseille Astrophysics Laboratory, these black-and-white images have gradually lost their use and utility. They may have been abandoned, but they have still escaped the dreadful outcome of so many unusable documents. They weren’t destroyed or thrown away but gifted to the artist Caroline Corbasson. Now this corpus of hundreds of photographs is stored in the lab where the photographer Andréa Montano works."

INTERVIEW / Clot Magazine

CAROLINE CORBASSON, tracing the stars and exploring the mysteries of the universe

Interview by Alexandra Gilliams
17 June 2022

The Centre Pompidou unveils the French premiere of Caroline Corbasson's film Physics (2022), made during her residence at the École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne. It is a visual tale in five tableaux presenting students torn between the objectivity of the sciences they are studying and the strength of emotion that characterises youth.

Atacama (2017, 19 min 31 s), À ta recherche/Looking for you (2019, 10 min 28 s), Physics (2022, 9 min 32 s)

Screening followed by a conversation with Caroline Corbasson and Marie Siguier, Assistant Curator (Mnam-Cci,Contemporary Creation and Forecasting Department).


30 Jun 2022

19h - 21h


Cinema 1, level 1

Screening at the Centre Pompidou

FAIR / Drawing now

Thursday 19 - Sunday 22 May 2022

Opening Wednesday May 18th
By invitation only

VIP and press opening, 10 am – 1 pm
Professional opening, 1 pm – 6 pm
General public opening, 5 pm – 9 pm

Open to the public
Thu – Sat, 11 am – 8pm
Sunday, 11 am – 7pm

SOLO SHOW / Physics

EPFL Pavilions, Pavillon A
Friday 6 - Sunday 29 May 2022

PHYSICS is a visual tale in five tableaux, which presents a palette of human relationships. Shot at EPFL and at the University of Lausanne, PHYSICS features students torn between the objectivity of the sciences they are studying, and the power of the emotions that youth in particular experience.

PHYSICS is a fascinating and evocative exploration, in which Corbasson offers her sophisticated perspective on the atmosphere of the EPFL campus. She reveals the mysterious and intimate aspects of the relationships that inhabit and characterize it, while making visible the power and presence of its natural surroundings.

It is a story that narrates, beyond human relations, the complex perception that individuals have of their own environment – between rationality and fascination.


4 MAY 2022 > 29 MAY 2022

PPRESS / Seisma


Seisma Edition 02: Astrophysics

GROUP SHOW / Border Line - Pavillon Vendôme

CLICHY, France
31 Jannuary 2022 > 30 April 2022

PRESS / Beaux-Arts Magazine


FAIR / Approche

12 NOVEMBER 2021 > 14 NOVEMBER 2021

a ppr oche is a salon designed as an exhibition with a curatorial gaze, consisting exclusively of solo shows, combining so-called traditional photographers with artists who use photography in three dimensions, on non-traditional media, going beyond the frame into the territory of installations.

A new type of art fair showcasing artists and inviting dialogue.

Galerie l’inlassable 10th anniversary

"To mark the tenth anniversary of Galerie L'inlassable and the inauguration of its new space in Monteverita, recent works by the 28 artists who have made up the gallery's history are being brought together. More than a list of artists, galerie l'inlassable has brought together a family of creators over the last ten years, most of them before they gained any real recognition in the art world. L'inlassable is more than just a list of names and styles, which vary according to market expectations. It is a community of visual artists, united by the first feeling that comes to mind when we look back: freedom. What does 'freedom' mean for an art gallery? It certainly means daring to take the risk of never giving in to your own commercial comfort, it means making a profession a periodic adventure. I think that the most difficult thing in our day-to-day dealings with artists is never to give in to complacency, to a kind of habit tinged with weariness that would gradually take away from the demands we make of the forms. The most difficult thing in our relationship with art is to keep our minds awake and our eyes wide open to the unfamiliar. It means cultivating a sense of intranquility. It means surveying and defending practices that take us into uncertain territory, where art is more mystical than political, sometimes even mute to the greatest number, draped in its secrecy, with no desire to explain itself. It means opening a window on the rue Dauphine, which has often been transformed into a kind of theatre, not for an audience, but in the audience, the shared space of the city. Like others I imagine, it was a very dear person who first drew me into the modest space of the gallery. We entered, I think, via the rue de Nevers. Over the years it seems to me that, like others, I never had a very clear idea of what was going on there. I came across artists who were important to me, different personalities, often young and looking, like me, for a different perspective. I experienced the kindness that needs no demonstration. And I've always felt this fraternal connivance, which guarantees that if something has to change one day, it will surely come from one of these precious and rare places in the world."

SOLO SHOW / Lunarama

9 SEPTEMBER 2021 > 25 SEPTEMBER 2021